Configure VLANs on Hirschmann Managed Switches

In regards to VLANs (Virtual Local Area Networks) on Hirschmann Managed Switches, the administrator should recognize the following. An individual port on any switch shall be either an access port (a single device will be connected to this port for network access) or a trunk port (intended for switch to switch connections and thus may carry multiple VLANs).

Configuring a port as an access or trunk port is done through two different pages in the web configuration of the switch. The first page is Switching-VLAN-Port as shown below. In this example, the first two ports are trunk ports and all remaining ports are access ports for VLAN  101. You see that unless there is an explicit need otherwise, all trunk ports are configured with Port VLAN ID 1 and all access ports are configured with Port VLAN ID XXX, where XXX represents the appropriate VLAN.

Using the same example (first two ports trunk, all remaining access ports in 101), the following is configured on the second page Switching-VLAN-Static. All trunk ports are configured “U” for VLAN ID 1 and “T” for all remaining VLANs. Furthermore, all access ports are configured “U” for the appropriate VLAN and “-“ for all other VLANs. The meanings of -, T, and U are as follows:

          -  not a member of the VLAN
          T  a member of the VLAN - packet is sent with tag
          U  a member of the VLAN - packet is sent without tag